I have never really been sure of the origin of that phrase, but it does not fit our lives at all. So far this summer we've worked. First there was the fireworks stand. (A great lesson in patience and getting along.) 5 people in a camper for 11 days in the middle of an empty field with nothing to do is definitely character building. Learning to step outside of your anxiety to talk to strangers, having to borrow and carry on the fly to get totals for customers, and not having everyone available to "do it for you" or just some of the lessons learned by the royal offspring.
After that it was time for Princess K to head to Camp Half-blood. If you've read any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books, then you know what I'm talking about. Two weeks in the scorching heat learning to fence, throw javelins, march, dance, and a myriad of other Greek skills, keeps you hot and tired...but having fun :0)
Now its time for the Queen to set up the school year again (DIDN'T WE JUST FINISH?!?!?) I learned of a new system called Workboxes (see info on the book
here) and we're really excited to get started. I'll have to post pictures when I get things set up.